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By: Cherry

Consecutive Interpretation 現場口譯 and Simultaneous Interpretation 即時傳譯, TEL. 852+ 3110 5203 / 3110 5200 / EMAIL: enquiry@languagefirst.net / Visit our website at
LANGUAGE FIRST was founded in 2004, the professional translation company in Hong Kong. All our translators/Interpreters are professionally qualified, native speakers and project allocation is based on a translator's expertise. All translations are proofread and edited by the qualified professor to guarantee the highest quality. 香港專業翻譯公司 – 15年翻譯經驗,翻譯全世界語言!專業提供文件翻譯/即時傳譯/現場口譯服務!
LANGUAGE FIRST Interpretation Service is providing mainly Simultaneous Interpretation (即時傳譯)and Consecutive Interpretation(現場口譯). LANGUAGE FIRST offers specialized professional interpretation service for any meetings, press conferences, product launch, exhibitions and seminars which helps you achieve effective communications in any of these occasions. 即時傳譯範疇:商務性談判/商務會議/講座/研討會/工廠現場展示/產品資訊發佈會/新聞發佈會/各行業會展/一帶一路合作/律師公證/法庭宣誓/董事會議/汽車業界發佈會/旅遊協作/個人簽證/移民署會面,等等的現場口譯服務。
For getting more information about LANGUAGE FIRST, please access to OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE - https://www.languagefirst.net/
CONTACT US, LANGUAGE FIRST – Translation & Interpretation:
- enquiry@languagefirst.net
- 852-3110 5203 / 3110 5200
- https://www.languagefirst.net/